The function of a fuel filter is to remove the solid impurities in the fuel, such as oxides, particulate dust, to prevent the fuel system such as fuel injectors from clogging; in addition, the fuel has a certain lubricating effect to reduce component wear and protect the engine's normal work operation to improve its performance.
The recommended replacement period of the fuel filter should vary according to its own structure, performance and purpose, etc., which cannot be generalized. If the filter is installed in the fuel line, it is called an external filter. On the contrary, the internal filter refers to the filter installed inside the fuel pump and fuel tank. Among them, the fuel filter or its protective cover is generally considered to be a maintenance-free component. In addition, when the filter hose has aging or cracks caused by dirt, engine oil and other dirt, the hose needs to be replaced in time.
Some cars use drum-shaped tube connections to ensure the sealing of the fuel filter. Care should be taken not to use a gasket repeatedly. After replacing the gasket, check its sealing performance. When replacing this kind of drum tube automobile fuel filter, it is necessary to select the appropriate model according to the vehicle model and ensure the quality of the fuel filter.
The fuel system without loop has only one internal filter. Although this multi-integrated pump, filter, and delivery unit is expensive, when the fuel delivery is blocked or the engine performance is reduced as a result, appropriate measures must be taken in time. Maintenance and maintenance. No matter what shape of fuel filter is used, its filtering effect is the same. When choosing the filter material, you should pay attention to the material of the filter. Do not use inferior filter. Its filtering effect is not good and it is easy to cause blockage of the oil circuit. It will result in insufficient fuel pressure and the vehicle cannot start.